LAW OFFICES OF SANDY LIPKIN Please email me directly at

LAW OFFICES OF SANDY LIPKIN Please email me directly at
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Intellectual Property is increasingly important to any business enterprise.
I have been in solo practice since 2003 assisting clients in getting patent, trademark and copyright protection for their creative, inventive and entrepreneurial pursuits.
It's a pleasure to work with dynamic, optimistic and brilliant people as they pursue the American Dream of capitalizing on their ingenuity.
I have clients all over the world who inspire me on a daily basis.
The last few years have seen an explosion in entrepreneurship and inventiveness in response to the changing world we live in.
While the last few years have been hard for many, in my world, I have been nothing but inspired by my clients who face the changes in the world and forge ahead optimistically and courageously through new business ventures.
The resilience of the human spirit is a beautiful thing I am privileged and honored to assist in protecting the fruits of my clients' intellectual and creative labors.
Patents protect inventive ideas that are new, useful and unobvious in light of existing technologies. A patent is a limited monopoly on technology granted by the federal government through the Department of Commerce on new ideas in exchange for disclosing those ideas such that technology can continue to build upon itself through the disclosure of new ideas. For this reason, anything that needs to be kept secret as a trade secret is something that should not be patented.
We are here to help you determine if your idea is the proper subject matter for patent and if it is right for your business. If a patent is indicated and seems likely, we are here to secure patent protection so that the success of your idea is not diluted by competition for the duration of your limited monopoly.
Trademarks brand your goods and services and are essentially a source identifier for what you offer. As time goes on, the availability of names, logos and slogans become currency in your business. Securing the exclusive right to your trademarks is essential in reaping the benefits of the goodwill you create surrounding your brand.
Words, slogans and graphic logos are the proper subject of a trademark as they become associated with specific goods or services. There are some pitfalls on what is good to trademark so please get in touch with us if you have an idea for a trademark that you need some assistance in determining whether or not your idea for a trademark is something you can secure through federal trademark registration.
Copyrights protect creative works fixed in a medium, such as a photograph, a writing, a website, a book, a recording, a film. Copyrights attach as soon as the work is fixed in that medium. However, failure to make a notice of those rights will make it difficult for someone to comply if they don't know who to ask for permission to copy. For this reason, it is important to put copyrights notices on all of your works in such a way that the owner of those rights is easily identifiable. Registration is not required for those rights to attach, but registration does come with benefits, such as attorneys fees in the event of litigation and the listing of the copyrighted matter in a searchable database.